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The St. Andrew’s campus has four main meeting areas: the main church building, the chapel, McKeogh Hall, and the Youth House.

  • The main church building can be accessed via the circle drive on Crockett St or through the courtyard entrance on E Nolte St.
  • The chapel has two entrances; there are a set of double doors on E Nolte St next to the courtyard entrance and another entrance from the small courtyard between the church and the chapel.
  • McKeogh Hall (MH) can be accessed from E Nolte St or through the courtyard entrance.
  • The Youth House (YH) is a small white building located on Crockett St, across from the circle drive.
  • The church office is located inside of McKeogh Hall and can be accessed through the courtyard entrance.


We are currently in the process of expanding our parking options. In the meantime, parking is available, free of charge, on Nolte St., Crockett St., or River St. Handicapped-accessible parking spaces are reserved on Nolte St.


There are lots of ways to get involved at St. Andrew’s, and we need your help! Take a look at the volunteer opportunities below and see what strikes your interest. Don’t worry if something is new to you or you don’t have any prior experience: We can help you learn and are always looking for new people!