St. Andrew’s Day

Church, Garden, & McKeogh Hall at 10:00am - 1:00pm
November 27th, 2022

St. Andrew’s Day is November 27th- This year, we will combine St. Andrew’s Day and Commitment Sunday. Make sure to have your pledge cards ready to be blessed by the bishop!

Celebration Luncheon-Everyone is invited to join your St. Andrew’s family and Bishop Reed to share the gratitude of the Season and celebrate our new confirmands, receptions, and renewals with a luncheon following the 10 o’clock service, which will celebrated as one congregation, on Sunday, November 27. The main course of pork loin will be graciously provided by the Lackies (Jeff & Angie) and Galloways (Juli & Bob). Please bring a side or dessert to share. Contact Kelly Follis or Susan Rinn with any questions.

For a retirement gift for Bishop Reed, please come sign a copy of the St. Andrew’s Kids prayer book. You will find the copy for the Bishop in the church narthex