We at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church have clear discipleship practices of core values that define what we believe is necessary to be a devoted follower of Christ and to fulfill His call to ministry, mission, and service.
Worship, Serve, Give, Inspire
Worship – We believe regular corporate worship is essential to not only knowing God’s message but to connect and feed each other.
Serve – We encourage everyone to find ways to serve God and the community by acting out the role of being a disciple for Christ.
Give – We desire to act out what we believe by contributing our time, talent, and treasure to further the mission of the church.
Inspire – We believe that by experiencing regular worship, a discipline of serving, and faithful giving, we will inspire others to know God’s love and purpose in our lives.
For Christians, the most important “membership” we have is our membership in the Body of Christ, offered through Holy Baptism. All are eligible for this membership, there are no dues, and it never expires.
To be a member of St. Andrew’s is to take up the responsibilities of Baptism through worship, mission, and ministries of our church…to worship, serve, give, and inspire this community for the glory of God’s Kingdom. Our expectations are….
- Regular attendance at worship.We offer many opportunities for worship/study throughout the week.
- Participation in at least one of our many ministries inside and outside the confines of our church. This will inspire others among ourselves and the wider community to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Financial and spiritual support of the work of this congregation on an annual basis. It takes the commitment of all our members for this parish to grow into what God is calling us to become.
To more fully explore membership and ministry opportunities we invite you to visit our website at or call the church to speak with our clergy about how you can become a part of the St. Andrew’s community.
What we believe about giving
We of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church seek to live out our Christian faith by encouraging radical financial stewardship of God’s gifts to us. We feel that stewardship is a biblical act of love and worship, expressing what we believe in a tangible but spiritual way which requires us to invest ourselves in our faith.
Stewardship is not a new concept. To be a steward involves the managing of all resources God has provided to us for the glory of God’s Kingdom. Jesus spoke about the subject of giving more than any other topic in the Bible. His expectation for us is one of gratitude for God’s gifts. That is what makes us stewards in our theology. We are caring for all of Christ’s gifts to us—they are simply passing through our hands—and our responsibility is to give back from our abundance.
Why does stewardship matter? Because it is a heart issue. God, the source of our blessings and our generosity, encourages others to give God glory. In addition, God challenges us to trust Him. He wants us to test him. In Malachi, the Lord says,“test me in this and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessings that you will not have room enough for it.”–NIV
The Great Commission – Matthew 28: 18-20
“Jesus came and said to them, ‘authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations….and teach them to obey everything that I have commanded you’.”
We, as Christians of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, are expected to embrace the command of Jesus. It has great significance to all followers of Christ. It was not “the Great Suggestion!” Christian discipleship means that we are intentionally learning the teachings and imitating the life of Jesus. He commands us to “go and make disciples.”
In addition to our gifts of financial resources, we also recognize and embrace the spiritual gifts that all of us possess. The Bible teaches all God’s believers that everyone has specific talents and abilities to offer the church. As it says so beautifully in Ephesians,“the gifts He gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry.” These, and many others, are all gifts from the Spirit. St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church seeks to invite all parishioners to find and use their gifts for the benefit of others. Sharing of your spiritual gifts is also fulfilling God’s call to us in Jesus’ Great Commission.
Finally, stewardship is a very personal commitment to God. Giving is a spiritual act…it has everything to do with our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church. When we consider that God doesn’t need our money (although the church certainly depends on our financial and spiritual generosity), what God wants is us…ALL of us. When we give out of gratitude for Jesus Christ’s sacrifice we are transformed in a way that brings us joy. And it’s that joy that enables us to experience more of God’s love and purpose as we strive to be His instruments here on earth.