Want to help out at St. Andrew’s? See the following positions open!
Veteran’s Ministry
Meets once a month. All St. Andrew's Veterans and non Veterans are welcome.Vets and non-vets alike are welcome to join the ministry which seeks to improve the lives of veterans in the community and foster a greater sense of patriotism within the St. Andrew’s community.
St. Isidore Guild
Time Needed: Usually on Sundays for ServicesAre you a techie? Or do you want to become one? Do you ever long to be a nerd– in a good way? Join the St. Isidore Guild– St. A’s very own Tech Geniuses! Before you know it, you’ll be doing things such as: pressing buttons; turning knobs; clicking keyboards! Don’t worry: We will train you! If you are already a member click here to assign yourself a piece of equipment for the service on a Sunday or two.
Time Needed: Usually on Sundays for ServicesAcolytes are typically younger members of the church, ages 5th – 12th grade. They assist the priest during services by carrying the cross, carrying the Gospel book, helping with the offertory plates, and more.
Time Needed: Usually on Sundays for ServicesThe Choir sings at our 10:00 am service and at special services throughout the year. They sing a variety of music, from traditional Episcopal hymns to more contemporary compositions.
Children’s Ministry
Time Needed: Usually on Sundays for ServicesWe have a wonderful Children’s Ministry at St. Andrew’s, and all of that energy and activity requires a lot of volunteers! If you love working with children, you can assist our Children’s Minister by helping with Sunday School, bringing snacks, helping in the Nursery, and participating in special events such as our Christmas Pageant or Easter Egg Hunt. All Children’s Ministry volunteers must have been members of the church for 6 months and have passed a 3-hour training course called Safeguarding God’s Children.
Youth Ministry
Time Needed: Usually on Sundays for ServicesIt is so important that our youth (ages 6th-12th grades) have meaningful relationships with adults from their church community. Helping with Youth Ministry is easy and fun! Hang out with the youth on Wednesday nights as they play games and talk about their weeks, help lead small group discussions during youth Sunday School, or chaperone a fun event like a trip to ZDT’s amusement park. All Youth Ministry volunteers must have been members of the church for 6 months and have passed a 3-hour training course called Safeguarding God’s Children.
Joyful Noise Children’s Choir
Time Needed: Usually on Sundays for ServicesEvery Wednesday during the school year, we gather on Wednesday afternoons for dinner and teaching–and then we sing our hearts out. If you’re interested in hanging out with the kids and lending a hand, let us know!
Front Desk Receptionists
Time Needed: During Office HoursWe need volunteers to sit at the front desk during our office hours to answer the phone, take messages, welcome visitors, and so forth. Our office hours are 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Monday through Thursday, and 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on Fridays. You can sign up for just a few hours per week.
Garden Committee
Time Needed: Wednesdays 9 am until finishedDo you have a green thumb? Or can you do yard work? Then we need you for our Community Garden! Help keep this beautiful space beautiful and growing. Maintenance includes weeding, watering and planting. Please reach out to KT Cockerell or Ernestine Sykes if you would like to work in the garden. All volunteer workers welcome.
Buildings & Grounds Committee
Time Needed: Usually on Sundays for ServicesAre you handy? Or do you have an eye for design? We need people who can help us take care of the wonderful facilities we have been given.
Meals & Hospitality
Time Needed: Usually on Sundays for ServicesWe are always hosting meals at St. Andrew’s – Wednesday night dinners, Sunday morning breakfasts, outdoor barbecues, and more! If you like to cook or have a knack for event planning, we would love to put your talents to good use.
Outreach Committee
Time Needed: Usually on Sundays for ServicesIf you have a passion for service in the local community, consider joining our Outreach Committee. This team oversees volunteer opportunities and distributes our outreach funds to organizations in Seguin and abroad.
Time Needed: Usually on Sundays for ServicesUshers help to keep our worship services flowing. Ushers are the first face that people see as they come into the church! They greet people as they enter the sanctuary and hand them a service bulletin. During the service, they pass around the offertory plates and bring them up to the altar, and help organize people as they come forward to receive Communion.
Altar Guild
Time Needed: Usually on Sundays for ServicesThe Altar Guild prepares the altar for Holy Eucharist and reverently cleans up the bread, wine, and Communion vessels after a service. Serving on Altar Guild is a wonderful way to learn more about our theology of the Eucharist in the Episcopal Church.
Time Needed: Usually on Sundays for ServicesLayreaders assist the priest during worship services. They read the Bible lessons, say the prayers, and serve wine at Communion. Any confirmed member over the age of 16 may serve as a Layreader.
Daughters of the King (DOK)
Time Needed: Usually on Sundays for ServicesThe Daughters of the King is an Order which enables women to establish a closer walk with God through Prayer, Study, and Evangelism while being supported by like-minded women. Through the Rule of Service, The Daughters regularly take part in the worship, study, and work of the church to assist the minister in anyway asked. The Daughters meet for one hour on the first and third Sundays of the month after the 10:00 a.m. service. We have a time of prayer, study and fellowship binding in a ‘sisterhood’. The Order is International. Multiple assemblies, quite days, and additional opportunities to further ones love of Christ through fun and fellowship with other women are available throughout the year. Any woman over the age of 18 is welcome.
If you’d like to volunteer with us please fill out the form below!