See below the different times of worship available to members of St. Andrew’s


On Sundays, we have two worship services. At 8:00 am, we worship in the smaller historic Chapel with no music and traditional language with a sermon and Communion. Around 9:00, we head to McKeogh Hall for coffee and something to eat. Then, the children and youth head off for their own Sunday School programs, and adults stay in McKeogh Hall for Adult Christian Formation where we study with our priest, Father Stephen. At 10:00, we gather in the Church, our newer and larger sanctuary, for a service of Holy Communion. This service has lots of lively music, Children’s Chapel for the little ones, a sermon, and Holy Communion. Please join us for any part of our Sunday morning activities!



On the first and third Mondays of each month, Fr. Stephen travels to Seguin Assisted Living for a Healing Service with Holy Eucharist and Laying of Hands for homebound St. Andrew’s members and others who reside there.



Revered Stephen Shortess has been Rector of St. Andrew’s since September 2020. To hear the stories, lectures, and lessons that Fr. Stephen shares during the Sunday services, visit the Sermons page below.



Join us for Sunday School or a book study group to continue learning about the Bible and it’s teachings during times convenient for you!


St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church is a parish in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, a congregation of the Episcopal Church, and a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion.