Easter Sunday Events
McKeogh Hall at 8:00am - 1:00pm
March 31st, 2024
St. Andrew’s Family Easter events-Although the alleluias have been buried away for the Lenten season, they will rise again on Easter Sunday. Join your St. Andrew’s family to celebrate by participating in each Easter Sunday event!
- Stay after the 8 am service or come to church a few minutes early and bring some flowers from home to help flower the cross before the 10 am service. (Anyone who would like to add flowers to the cross is welcome to do so.)
- After the 10 am service, kids of all ages are encouraged to gather at the bell tower with baskets in hand to have an Easter egg hunt in the garden. (We’ll need plenty of volunteers to bring plastic eggs with wrapped candy or small toys inside—and we’ll need a few Easter bunnies to help hide them! Email Jennifer Shortess at jennifer.shortess@gmail.com or Tracy Donley at tracydonley4@gmail.com to let us know if you’d be willing to help. Eggs can be dropped off in the church office or on Sundays any time before the big day.)
- We will finish out the celebration with a traditional ham luncheon. McKeogh Hall and the garden will be open for seating. Please bring your favorite side dish or dessert.
Let’s make this an Easter to remember for the children of St. Andrew’s—and our whole parish family!